Postnatal Support Visits
£30 per hour (minimum of 3 hours - £90)
5% discount if booking 15 or more hours
10% discount if booking 30 or more hours
Creating that precious Newborn Bubble!
What you need as a family post-birth will look different for everyone.
This may be your 1st child, or this may be your 6th and the support that you need help to navigate the journey will be very individual to you. You may have had a birth that you describe as “easy” or you may have had a difficult birth which is impacting your recovery and the setting up of your new family life.
My Goal is to look out for you and your well-being, You are my number one priority – I want to ensure that you are getting the rest, nourishment, hydration, emotional support and nurturing that you may need.
So the support that I provide covers a broad basis:
- Help and support with feeding, changing, bathing, calming and soothing your new baby
- Light household help such as doing some clothes washing or cleaning the dishes
- Preparing meals and picking up shopping (ingredients for meals must be purchased by you and you must provide money for the shopping required, receipts will be provided)
- Looking after your new baby whilst you wash/nap/care for other children/take some time for yourself
- Reasonably caring for your other children and/or pets whilst you bond with your new baby
- Signposting you towards other sources of support if needed
- Overnight stays can be discussed at a bespoke fee